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Urban Foxes... Love or hate?

Fox control is an emotive subject among the British public with varied views, a cunning fox could cause a farmer to have countless sleepless nights worrying about loss of poultry or cause the urban homeowner to invest in noise cancelling headphones to drown out the haunting screeches during mating season.

However foxes are not always seen as an annoyance, you will find pictures posted on Facebook of gourmet meals that have been prepared and left outside by urban fox lovers, one post even included cheese.

Many pest control companies are apprehensive in offering fox control solutions due to public reaction, efficacy and cost.

Legal methods of urban fox control:

  • Live capture and relocate ( traps should be checked at least once per day to prevent suffering )

  • Non toxic fox repellent treatments

  • Removal of attraction, food waste etc

  • Blocking of entry points into gardens

  • Live capture and euthanize

Legal methods of rural fox control:

  • The use of free running snares and then euthanize

  • Shooting using an appropriate firearm ( air weapons would not be strong enough for a clean kill)

Using dogs:

Dogs can be used to stalk or flush out foxes above ground but only to stop serious damage to property. This method includes three rules:

  • Use no more than two dogs

  • shoot the foxes as soon as they break cover

  • carry proof that you own the land or have permission from the landowner

By law dogs can not be used to hunt foxes.

Whether you love or hate foxes it may come to a point when you would like to keep them away from your property. Non lethal methods such as fox repellents, blocking access points and removing attraction can be effective while still protecting our wildlife.

If you are in need of humane fox solutions contact us today for a free quote

Tel: 07365 438 076

All information is accurate as of 5th February 2024.

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